Mariah Carey
After her marriage with Nick Cannon was called splits, she went into depression and started gaining weight as she resorted to food indulgences to cope up with depression. Due to this, she has put on a lot of weight, just like how it used to happen during her past breakups.
this sucks !!
I don’t mind if she gains weight, coz i’ll still love her.People change with age.Seems media people are from another planet
cambada de cretinos… as pessoas mudam. o facto de serem pessoas conhecidas não impede que a vida e as circunstancias da vida não os faça mudarem.
Oh, but the breast becomes larger and sweeter.
Please you look more, more pretty and charming when fat, than now you are slim don’t look charming
Even Brendan Fraser! Nooooooooo!!!
fatty look is charming on the other hand zero figure is not attractive.