You need insurance for a lot of things. If you have a boat and fish, you get that insured. A rancher will insure their cattle in case something happens to their livelihood. Celebrities also take out insurance for various reasons. Here are some celebrities which have taken out policies for unique reasons.
Miley Cyrus has taken a page out of Gene Simmon’s book and insured her tongue. Her tongue is now worth a cool $1 million dollars. She is an American singer, songwriter, and actress.
#1 you forgot “and an utter bi**h and disgusting white trash”
why are you jealous yaar??
Insuring only one part of the body and not the whole body = is it something like fraud ???..for converting illegal money to legal money or drug money to legal money(money laundering)???
where is enrique iglesias !
why it becomes million when only one body part is insured….I did not get it
They r fuckin* insane they should not reveal there body parts and insuring there body parts they should be ashamed instead of being proud huh…..????????????????
The most wise creature of the earth. lolzzzz